Here are the pictures from the annual rod run in Banff. I didn't get too many before the battery for the camera went dead,but there are some interesting shots anyway. The run is an annual run hosted by the Edmonton Touring Tins club every year on the Fathers day weekend. Most of the rodders camp out at the Banff Tunnel Mountain campsite. This year was the 31st annual run. One of the pictures is of the universal Mustang II kit that I build and sell. I also have several cut to fit kits for certain years available. At the risk of turning this into an advertisment , if you know of anyone wanting a kit send them my way. I only do this as a sideline to my teaching and for rod building money. The kits are well made and the best part of all is the price , $300.00 Canadian which is less than $200 US. (Compare that to Heidt's who want $400 US for their universal kit.) My kit is almost identical to theirs. I can ship by UPS and have good instructions for installation too.

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